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Prime Fungi

Shiitake 3770 Lentinula edodes

Shiitake 3770 Lentinula edodes

Regular price $9.00 USD
Regular price $12.00 USD Sale price $9.00 USD
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Shiitake 3770

Lentinula edodes

10 cc/ml liquid fungi mycology culture syringe with a sterile needle.

This Shiitake strain is well-suited to cold climates, characterized by its slow development and growth. Under these conditions, it produces beautiful donko-type fruit bodies: dark-brown, richly scaled, heavy, and short-stemmed. In warmer growing conditions, however, the mushrooms develop thinner flesh and lighter coloration.

When cultivated on substrate blocks, this strain requires a ripening phase of approximately 4 to 5 months. It is also highly effective when grown on wood, where it yields exceptionally large and high-quality donko mushrooms. Shiitake 3770 strain is a popular choice for both traditional and modern cultivation methods.

*instructions are not included, please thoroughly research growing conditions and techniques.

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